Toitumisalane teave 100g
Energia 1045 kj(246 kcal)
Rasvad 0,5 g
küllastunud rasvad 0,1 g
Süsivesikud 60 g
suhkrud 45 g
Valgud 0,5 g
Sool 0 g
10.99 €
Country of origin: Italy
Vicentina mustard is a harmony of sweet and salty. Traditionally it is made from puree of quince, mustard and chopped candied fruits. Ingredients: Quince pulp 47%, sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, apple sauce 16%, candied fruits in different proportions 10% (lemon, orange, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, citric acid, sulfur dioxide, mustard), pear. syrup, pear puree citric acid, sulphites, ascorbic acid, gluten free, GMO free. Suitable for cheeses, meats.Fruit puree.PICCANTE. Harmony between sweet and savory.
2 in stock
Toitumisalane teave 100g
Energia 1045 kj(246 kcal)
Rasvad 0,5 g
küllastunud rasvad 0,1 g
Süsivesikud 60 g
suhkrud 45 g
Valgud 0,5 g
Sool 0 g
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